Friday, March 28, 2008


Jaida is growing up fast! She has gotten her first 2 teeth and is hasn't been too happy about it. You can see them a little in this picture. (If you click on it I think it enlarges). She has been more fussy than usual, but for a baby she is still very happy. She has been crawling since the middle of January. Its hard because our house isn't set up with lots of free space for her to crawl so I am constantly chasing out of rooms and away from stairs. She can pull herself up and walk around all the furniture. I think it will only be a few weeks before she walks, but we'll see.

She has started doing this funny face at everyone. Its a face that means many things, like I don't know you, or I didn't want my picture taken, or I will cry if you do that again. She does it under any circumstance, so its kind of been hard to know what it means. She is fully weaned now and is still not sleeping very well. She got a long lasting ear infection in January and hasn't slept well since. She loves to snuggle up to fall asleep though and I can't complain about that cuz I always wanted a baby to be a snuggle bug. Well she is, and a mama's girl too. I love her, she is like a little toy.


Jenni said...

She's almost walking??? Owen has yet to crawl! Also, congrats on weaning her, what a relief you must be feeling....we'll get there one day!

:) Jen said...

I love the face, I like that she does it whenever she is around strangers or doesn't like something, I love funny baby faces....hope all is well with you, I am so close to having my new baby, I will keep you updated!

:) Jen said...

Oh by the way, the marriage class I am taking is just one here in the community, there is a really great parenting class too, I wish the church would do something like this class, i think a lot of couples could use it. I am glad you and Pat have gone the distance Mary, good for both of you, (I like the hug idea), I know it hasn't always been easy at times, but the longer I am married the more I realize any relationship you want to be good takes a lot of work...hope you are well. :)