Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Feeling sick and tired of being sick and tired

Well, I have been sick now for 2 1/2 weeks. I finally took Jaida and I to the doctor today and he gave us both an antibiotic. I have ear infections that have been driving me crazy! Not only do they hurt but I can't hear very well and they throw my balance off. I was just hoping they would go away on their own. How does an adult get ear infections anyway? Who knows? Jaida didn't have ear infections but because she has been sick so long, he gave her a prescription. Last night she didn't sleep all night, but has been napping tons today. I am very tired, but I will survive. My poor house is really suffering, but what do you do? I should be feeling way better by the weekend so I can get to work on it this Saturday. One of the things I hate the most about being sick is missing playing basketball. I have missed 2 weeks of playing, this will be my 3rd, and I can't wait to get better and start again.


:) Jen said...

I had that happen to me, adults get ear infections if they have been sick for a long time, they are hard to get...sucks that you got them, I had them and Tae had them at the same time last christmas...it sucked....hope you feel better...:) I do love being a mom of two, it gets pretty crazy at time, for example, I went to walmart today, bad idea, should have just waited until I could give them to shad and go by myself....:)

Jenni said...

Oh no! I'm sorry you've been so sick! I know you've had a few birthday girls this month too, I hope you felt good enough to celebrate!!

Jenni said...

We'll be in Utah the ENTIRE month of July!!! (at least the kids and I--Don will be there the first and last weekends)
So yes, we need to get together--well have plenty of time!!!