Sunday, April 27, 2008

Just an update

Well I haven't written in a while so here are some things that have been going on.

-James arrived safely home from his mission in Italy on April 11th

-Mom came up to help Nolene with the new baby and brought James up with her. It was good to see him again.

-Kids had spring break. We didn't do anything because that was when my mom came up.

-Jaida has started walking and she thinks it is so exciting she burst into a laugh/scream every time she does it.

-We sold the 4 wheelers and the trailer the first week we had them for sale.

-Pat got a 4.o this semester and we are so happy about it because his accounting class was hard! (Lots of terminology that was hard to understand in such a short time about a subject that I don't know anything about.) Yay!!! Keep it up Honey!!!! He is going summer term starting April 30th.

-I did our taxes. I know it is late but I file for an extension every year. Hope the rebate comes soon!

-Amanda participated in her 1st Hershey Track Meet. She did very well. She did the softball throw, the 50 meter, and the 400 meter. Overall it was a good experience for her even though she did not win any ribbons.

-I played in a Spanish Fork basketball league with some friends.

-We have been watching all the NBA playoff games. GO JAZZ!!!!

Well I can't think of anything else really that is happening so, life is pretty simple and plain right now. I should breathe deep and enjoy it while it lasts.


Jenni said...

You guys have definitely been busy!
Tell Pat congrats on his 4.0, that really is amazing.

Did Amanda like the track meet? They have that here and I was seriously considering putting Ally in it....